I am


Inês Barroso

Frontend Web Developer

After 4 years working in Business I decided to download Visual Studio Code and I felt completely mesmerized by the world of coding! Acquiring knowledge everyday was something that I felt in love with! Currently working with Javascript (React.js).
Do you want to know me better?
Feel free to reach me:


Hard Skills

HTML5 CSS3 React-Bootstrap Javascript React Postman npm Git Github Netlify Node macOS Figma Adobe XD Trello Scrum

Soft Skills

Communication Collaboration Creativity Adaptability Reliability


Web App where you can store the movies you want to watch, in your browser. Done with React Hooks, Context, Local Storage & Bootstrap.

Beauty without the Beast
Web App to help Vegans find makeup 100% cruelty free in a user-friendly online library. Done using Makeup API and React Context.

The Store Inventory - Admin Backoffice
CRUD project done with React Hooks, React-Bootstrap & Fake Store API. Laptops only.

The Frugal Santa
Web App that helps you find the perfect Secret Santa gift based on your budget. Single Page Application, done with React.js.

I made this app to share with friends during lockdown. Based on their mood, they will have recommendations to "kill time". Done with React Hooks using Omdb and Google Books API.

Sofia | Nutricionista
Responsive single page app done with HTML, CSS and Vanilla Javascript for a Portuguese nutritionist.